Mugwort rapeh (rapé) is a mystical preparation and like the herb it has been used since ancient times. Mugwort rapeh has countless medicinal properties and is therefore considered sacred in many tribal cultures. The Orientals called Mugwort the Herb of Life or The Goddess of Plants.
Many of the applications of Mugwort benefit women, so both the herb and the rapeh are closely connected with the energies of the feminine. A few applications of Mugwort are: headaches, migraines, aids hormone replacement, produces the hormone serotonin, depression, asthma, strengthens the liver and treats kidney problems. Moon herb, regulates the menstrual cycle, treats cramps, menopausal symptoms and almost all diseases linked to menstruation.
Some of the known magic benefits are: lucid dreaming and astral projection, helps with clairvoyance, meditative trance and vision.
This rapeh is lovingly made for us by the Yawanawá tribe of Acre, Brazil.
Ingredients: Rapeh with Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) (BRAZIL)