The Yawanawá use Bobinsana to help with a number of minor illnesses or discomforts associated with old age. Bobinsana is considered when supporting a person who is experiencing loss of strength and vitality, arthritis or inflammatory problems.
Bobinsana is also known for producing colorful and lucid dream states. Interestingly Bobinsana is often used as a secondary ingredient in Ayahuasca brews. Bobinsana is not a hallucinogen, yet shamans like to add it because it is said to aid in the creation of a spiritual connection to the plants.
Warning: Do not use during pregnancy
This fragrant rapeh is lovingly made for us by the Yawanawá tribe of Acre, Brazil.
Ingredients: Rapeh, Pau Pereira (Platycyamus regnellii), Bobinsana (Calliandra Angustifolia) (BRAZIL)